Aspasiology was an online project created and edited by Gertrude And. Each publication highlighted a single author's work. After featured writers were selected and submitted work, several writers who were part of a pool of responding writers were then asked to respond to the submitted work which was published alongside the study. My study was published July 1, 2016 and responses included performances, film, photography, and poetry from Chlöe Rose (poet), José Ángel Morales (filmmaker), Gaddiel Francisco Ruiz Rivera (poet), Angelía Mar Rivera Barreto (poet and performer), Wendy Trevino (poet), Lina M. Hernández (performer), Humberto González (poet), Jennifer Maritza McCauley (poet), Oki Sogumi (poet), Paula María (poet), Ginger Ko (poet), Valentina Marealta (poet and novelist), José Enrique García (poet), Yara Liceaga (poet), and Mara Pastor (poet).

Respuesta de Angelía Rivera/ Response by Angelía Rivera

Respuesta de Angelía Rivera/ Response by Angelía Rivera